With the help of a magic cauldron, Mephistopheles conjures up a variety of supernatural characters.
In the previous video update, we posted La maison ensorcelée and said it was most likely the oldest horror short we’d showcase here on Horror Ghouls. After receiving a tip about an even older horror short available, we’ll now change this to say The Haunted Castle (Le manoir du diable), aka The House of the Devil, is most likely the oldest horror short that will ever be showcased here. While it was more amusing than terror-incuding for its audience even back when it was made, Méliès’ use of limited tools to create these effects is quite fascinating.

Director: Georges Méliès
Writer: Georges Méliès
Country & year: France, 1896
Actors: Jehanne d’Alcy, Jules-Eugène Legris(unconfirmed), Georges Méliès
IMDb: www.imdb.com/title/tt0000091/