The Ugly Stepsister (2025)

The Ugly Stepsister is a dark and twisted reimagining of the classic fairytale Cinderella, mostly inspired by the Brothers Grimm version and this time told from the perspective of one of Cinderella’s stepsisters. Her name is Elvira, and she’s dreaming of Prince Julian all the time. She’s savoring his published book of poems, dreaming of …


the fisherman's wife

Amidst total environmental collapse, a desperate and lonely fisherman discovers a mermaid.. and makes her dinner.   Another Horror Short Sunday, and this time we’re taking a look at The Fisherman’s Wife where a fisherman brings a mermaid back home.. and no, it’s not as romantic as it might sound..     Director: Jared Watson …

Wrong Turn (2021)

Jen and her boyfriend Darius are going on a hike to the Appalachian Trail, together with two other couples: Adam and Mia, and Gary and Luis. When they arrive at the small town in rural Virginia, they immediately get on the wrong foot with some of the locals. And when they begin their hike, they …

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021)

Margot was abandoned as a baby outside a hospital, and the only thing she knows is that her mother came from an Amish family living at the Beiler Farm. She decides to make a documentary about her past, and brings with her some friends: Chris, the cameraman, and Dale, the soundman. They meet up with …

TRIAL 22 – Horror Short Film

trial 22

Trapped in a mysterious underground experiment, a group of people must survive against monsters, traps and each other.   Horror Short Sunday is here, and this time we’re following a group of people who must try to survive against Hellraiser-esque monsters in Trial 22!     Director: John Ferrer Writer: John Ferrer, Harry Metcalfe Country …

Fallen (1998)

John Hobbes is a Philadelphia Police Detective, who is about to visit the serial killer Edgar Reese who is on death row. Despite this, Reese is in a pretty good mood, and during their conversation he grabs Hobbes’ hand and says something that at first is assumed to be pure gobbledygook, but is later identified …

The McPherson Tape (1989)

Uh-oh…Here comes the little grey men! With their sticky faces and lasers. So let’s demonstrate our Second Amendment by shooting them straight in the mug to show them who’s the good guys here. Can’t get more Americana than that, besides having a collective, chronic and crippling fear of aliens/lizard people (and Bigfoot). God bless America. …


apotemnofilia horror short

The premiere packs the theater while the leading lady Clara refuses to leave her dressing room, gripped by internal turmoil she must finally confront.   Another Horror Short Sunday is here, and this time it’s getting gory in Apotemnofilia! Those who know what Apotemnophilia is (Body integrity dysphoria) should have a hunch what’s going to …

Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo (1995)

This wild, crazy, silly little flick starts with an introduction of a lone trapper who calls himself the Guardian, played by some dude with schlocky old makeup that looks like dried mud. He tells us the story with a raspy Robert Englund-ish voiceover where he once upon a time came into a battle with none …

The Monkey (2025)

The pilot Petey Shelburn enters an antique shop in the hopes of getting rid of a drum-playing toy monkey, saying he wants it to be someone else’s problem. Suddenly, the toy monkey starts playing its drums, which causes a chain reaction where the shop owner gets killed. Petey on the other hand disappears, never to …