A grieving mother latches on to a magical surrogate for her lost child. But small miracles come with big consequences..
The Dollmaker is a creepy and a little sad horror short about a couple that has lost their son. They’ve gotten in contact with a doll-maker that makes a doll by using a lock of the boy’s hair, clothes he’s used and something he valued, and promises the parents that they’ll be able to see their son again through the doll. Seeing the simple ragdoll they’re both sceptical…but upon touching it, they realize that magic really does happen. But spells tend to come with a set of rules…and if broken, there will be consequences.

Director: Al Lougher
Country & year: USA, 2017
Actors: Perri Lauren, Sean Meehan, Daniel Martin Berkey, Aiva Onfroy
IMDb: www.imdb.com/title/tt7253316/