Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Manos: The Hands of Fate review

In the summer of 1966 in El Paso, Texas, something really magical happened: Manos: The Hands of Fate was made. A movie so hilariously, mind-boggling bad that hardly any words from this universe would make it justice. But I’ll try. Harold P. Warren was a middle-aged man who worked as a fertilizer salesman for a …

3 DAYS – Horror Short Film

3 DAYS Horror Short Film

When three female friends sense danger on a camping trip, they keep each other laughing until one decides to make a run for it.   3 Days is a creepy horror short that reminds you how camping in the woods can be anything but cozy sometimes…     Director: Julie Sharbutt Country & year: USA, …

Come Play (2020)

Come Play review

Oliver is a young non-verbal autistic boy who communicates through tablets and smartphones. His parents are struggling with their relationship, he is bullied at school, and he is lonely and longing for a friend. As Oliver is spending most of his time trying to comfort himself with Spongebob episodes and using the Snapchat filter for …

DUÉRMETE NIÑO – Horror Short Film

Duérmete Niño

A religious mother of newborn twins is constantly awakened by the disturbing sound of her crying babies. Using a radio monitor to check on them at night, she encounters a series of unsettling events that might jeopardize even her own beliefs.   Duérmete Niño is a creepy and atmopsheric little horror short, set in a …

Inside (2007)

Inside review

Inside, or À l’intérieur as it is called in the original language, is one of the most tasty delicacies of a slasher that has come after the turn of the millennium, directed by the duo Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury. Inside was one of the first in the so-called New French Extremity-wave with, among others …

THE HO HO HOWLING – Horror Short


Under a full moon on Christmas Eve, an unassuming family faces a legendary home invader whose gifts could change them forever.   Now that we recently published a werewolf horror movie review (Wer) it’s quite fitting to have a holiday-themed short with a similar premise: what if Santa could “infect” you with a bite?   …

Wer (2013)

Wer review

The Porter family is camping in the woods somewhere in France, where they are brutally attacked by someone (or something), leaving the wife as the only survivor. She is severely wounded, and claims that her husband and young son were eaten alive by a strong man. Soon afterwards a Romanian man named Talek Gwynek who …

PEEK A BOO – Short Horror Film

Peek A Boo

A woman discovers a strange VHS tape in her attic. On it, a young girl plays Peek-a-Boo.   Peek A Boo is a nice little horror short by the same director that also made The Clapper and The Monster!     Director: Neil Stevens Country & year: USA, 2017 Actors: Aubree Bowen, Olive Bernadette Hoffman …

The Evil (1978)

The Evil review

The caretaker Sam is about to check on a big, empty, victorian house that was built during the civil war, and is now filled with dust and cobwebs. It’s broad daylight and he’s still scared shitless to go inside. He starts right away to hear noises that leads him down to the basement (of course) …

DEMON – Horror Short

DEMON Horror Short

An injured stranger finds a pitch-black secret on his rescuer’s property.   Demon is a suspenseful horror short by Caleb Slain, shot under a full moon!     Director: Caleb Slain Country & year: USA, 2018 Actors: Brent Gutierrez, Kirk Baltz, Sophia Savage IMDb:             DEMON — A Horror by …