FROM.BEYOND – Horror Short

A kaleidoscopic vision portraying mankind’s first meeting with alien life, told through faux archival footage combined with practical FX, miniatures and old school in-camera trickery.


Another Horror Short Sunday again, and today we travel yet again into some cosmic horror territory with From.Beyond by Fredrik S. Hana, the same director behind Autumn Harvest and Sister Hell. This one is much more experimental, and the director himself stated that “I wanted to make something that captured a particular sense of wonder I experienced a lot as a child. A time where the Patterson–Gimlin footage of Bigfoot caused many sleepless nights, and just the thought of space and U.F.O’s filled me with a strange feeling of limitless possibilities. This feeling is rooted in a fascination for the unknown, sprinkled with existential dread and ambiguity, and has been a big source of inspiration to me. I try to stay connected with these emotions in my work, but I never had the chance to truly explore them until now“. And the result is a bizarre and nightmarish analog horror short!


FROM.BEYOND - Horror Short

Director: Fredrik S. Hana
Writer: Fredrik S. Hana, Jamie Turville
Country & year: Norway, 2022
Actors: Espen Hana, Linda Tveiten, Thomas Aske Berg, Asbjørn R. Halsten






A grief-stricken sailor answers a mysterious call from the sea.


It’s Horror Short Sunday again, and today we travel into some Lovecraftian territory with Autumn Harvest. This Norwegian horror short was made by Fredrik S. Hana, the same director behind Sister Hell. While the aforementioned horror short was trippy, funny and colorful, this one is in black and white with a gloomy atmosphere and Lovecraftian elements. A sailor, devastated by grief, is about to end it all when something from the sea offers him a way to get back what he’s lost. Of course, this comes with a price…



Director: Fredrik S. Hana
Writer: Fredrik S. Hana, Marius Lunde
Country & year: Norway, 2015
Actors: Oliver Hohlbrugger, Eili Harboe, Helga Guren, Thomas Aske Berg, Tomas Alf Larsen, Michael Wallin, Silje Salomonsen, Magnus Rostad, Frikk Hana






SISTER HELL – Horror Short

A reclusive nun is tempted to leave the monastery. Her dream is to become a curvy, voluptuous woman; to become how she really feels inside. With cautious steps, she ventures towards the sinful city.


On this week’s Horror Short Sunday, we present the amusing Sister Hell, a horror short from Norway (our home country) about a nun who wants to undergo a total bimbofication surgery. When mother superior and the other servants of the lord tries to stop her and punish her for her sins, the devil himself comes to save the day and brings along his fiddle and his accordion as well! Yes, it’s exactly as weird and bizarre as it sounds. Enjoy!


SISTER HELL - Horror Short

Director: Fredrik S. Hana
Writer: Fredrik S. Hana
Country & year: Norway, 2015
Actors: Thomas Aske Berg, Espen Hana, Oliver Hohlbrugger, Anders Hommersand, Lene Heimlund Larsen, Johanna Knudsen Rostad, Michael Wallin