A mother is preparing dinner while her young daughter is playing. At the same time, something sinister is lurking outside the house…


Beneath the Skin is a creepy horror short by Tracy Kleeman (who also created the horror short Fear Filter).




Director: Tracy Kleeman
Country & year: USA, 2020
Actors: Luisina Quarleri, Mia Mamurov, Jolie Mamurov, Joel Ezra Hebner






FACELIFT – Horror Short

Things start to change in the life of a depressed middle-aged woman when a mysterious mask appears at her doorstep.


Facelift is a creepy horror short by Virat Pal (who also created the horror short Bells).


FACELIFT - Horror Short


Director: Virat Pal
Country & year: USA, 2020
Actors: Carly Jones, Cara Loften, Penny Orloff, Rashmi Rustagi, Nell Rutledge-Leverenz








MILK TEETH – Horror Short Film

An orphanage spirals into mayhem when a boy discovers a shadowy creature who comes to collect more than just the children’s teeth.


Milk Teeth is a beautiful fairytale-like horror short with a creepy spin on the tooth fairy (and probably a little anxiety-inducing on those who are suffering from dental fear…)


MILK TEETH - Horror Short Film


Director: Felipe Vargas
Country & year: USA, 2020
Actors: Aaron Bradshaw, Tyler Sanders, Griffin Chodler, Casey Grimm, Viravara Shetty, Eddy Breslin, Ghino Lee, Eddiejames ‘EJ’ Castro, Graham Schulze, Conor Kowalski







Mo Patterson is a lonely weirdo who finds it difficult to make friends. An invitation to his old school reunion brings the opportunity to reconnect with his old childhood sweetheart…


Making Friends is a weird little horror short with a nice balance between being humorous and disturbing.




Director: Chris Vincze
Country & year: UK, 2019
Actors: Mark Davison, Lucy Roslyn, Rick Warden, Lucy Barker






THE TRUNK – Short Horror Film

A girl discovers a cursed trunk.


The Trunk is a creepy horror short from Social House Films!


THE TRUNK - Short Horror Film


Director: Aaron Fradkin
Country & year: USA, 2021
Actors: Misha Reeves






Only Strangers Sleep in my Bed – Horror Short

A conman works his way into a lonely woman’s home by posing as her long lost son.


Only Strangers Sleep in my Bed is a creepy horror short that was a Senior Film Thesis at Wesleyan University, shot on 16mm.


Only Strangers Sleep in my Bed - Horror Short


Director: Shane Bannon
Country & year: USA, 2018
Actors: Jordan Tragash, Karen Gagliardi





BAKEMONO – Horror Short

It is February 3rd, known in Japan as Setsubun. Families celebrate by casting out evil spirits from their homes. But Ayumi is not convinced that they’re all evil. So she invites one in for a midnight snack.


Bakemono is a fun little horror short about the Bakemono from Japanese folklore.


BAKEMONO - Horror Short


Director: Jorge Lucas, Sumire Takamatsu
Country & year: USA, 2019
Actors: Claudia Fabella, Shio Muramatsu, Dice Suzuki, Sherry Qiu





100,000 ACRES OF PINE – Horror Short

Ranger Megan Patel loses her brother Daniel, under mysterious circumstances. Struggling to understand how he died, she finds herself alone, venturing into the vast pine forest. However, as she follows the trail of her brother into the woods, the trees begin to change and shift around her. Soon Megan arrives in places without any recollection of how she got there. Almost as if something is pulling her deeper into the woods. Something dark and dangerous, that Megan might not be able to escape.


100,000 Acres of Pine (aka Hvor træerne blokerer for lyset) is a well crafted animated horror short.


100,000 ACRES OF PINE - Horror Short


Director: Jennifer Alice Wright
Country & year: Denmark, 2020
Actors: Sarah Airriess, Jericca Cleland, Kirk Johnson, Lawrence Marvit, Tobias Taastrøm





NIGHT TERROR – Horror Short

A woman desperate for a child is on her way to meet her husband at an important Adoption Agency meeting when she is met with a sinister force that keeps her trapped inside her house.


Night Terror is a suspenseful horror short with an interesting and chilling concept.


NIGHT TERROR - Horror Short


Director: Mat Lo
Country & year: Canada, 2017
Actors: Merren McMahon, Julian Haig, Chelsea Brennan





DEAD MALL – Horror Short Film

After a night of partying, The Girl finds herself on an empty street in Downtown Miami with a strange man who offers to walk her home. He tells her he knows a short cut through the old mall. He coaxes The Girl inside, and then locks her in. “Sorry”, he says. “It has to eat…”


Dead Mall is a nice, surreal reimagining of the minotaur myth.


DEAD MALL - Horror Short Film


Director: Olivia West Lloyd
Country & year: USA, 2020
Actors: Maya Martinez, Dylan Redford, Jillian Mayer, Claudia Rodriguez, Liz Ferrer, Kea Duarte, Angelica Arbelaez